Thursday, July 9, 2009

Campaign Update

The Jacob's Well project didn't make the cut for Snohomish County funding. There were over $6 million in requests competing for about $350,000. Even with this decision, we are still very optimistic. The Kresge Foundation will allow us to increase our request to them to $450,000 and we had a conversation with the Murdock Trust today which was also optimistic. Our Murdock request for $400,000 will be decided in August and Kresge in October prior to our fall kick off November 10! Please SAVE THE DATE! (see below) So of the $4.4 million needed for the project, we have raised just over $2 million. Positive decisions from Murdock and Kresge will put us well on our way. Both of these grants are challenge grants meaning we would need to raise the other amounts needed prior to them releasing their dollars. Click here for more information about this project.

Jacob’s Well Breakfast
Save the date and plan to join us for an informative and inspiring benefit breakfast to raise funds to build Vision House Jacob’s Well.
Date: Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Time: 7:30 – 8:45 a.m.
Location: Lynnwood Convention Center
3711 – 196th St. SW, Lynnwood 98036
Cost: Entrance is free to this fundraising event.

RSVPs are required at 425-228-6356

Thursday, July 2, 2009

HUGE Garage Sale Aug. 21-22

You don't want to miss this amazing sale to benefit Vision House. It will be held at the Children's Village Child Care center located at 450 Bremerton in Renton, 98059.
You can also donate gently used small household items, toys and tool to help make this year’s Bargain Bash a smash hit! Contact Kristi at 425-228-6356 or to arrange for drop off. All proceeds benefit Vision House Items we cannot accept: Broken, chipped, cracked, soiled or torn items Items missing pieces, parts, or cords, car radios, computers and peripherals

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Campaign Plan

Today I am reworking our campaign plan. We didn't get the Snohomish County grant for $300,000 and just found out that most likely the state has spent all of their dollars for the next two years. (there were $6 million in requests for only $300,000 available)

So of the $4.4 million needed to raise for the first phase of the Jacob's Well complex, the team has raised just over $2 million. We can most likely raise an additional $1.3 in grants leaving a faith goal from churches, individuals and corporations of about $1 million. We are still working on the construction permits so they will be in place when God provides the finances. We are moving forward in faith.

Please continue to pray for provision and wisdom. Thank you.
